All our farm “Critters” are Free Range, and raised without the use of Hormones, Antibiotics, or Steroids.

Our cows eat grass, hay, and forage with a limited amount of grain for marbling and protein. They live for 24-30 months outdoors, having grown much slower than the commercial standard. Our meat is then dry-aged 11 days, cut, and wrapped by our Butcher.

Chicken & Eggs
Both our laying and meat chickens are fed a feed mill specially formulated for their needs right from the chick stage. After 3 weeks they move to a farm-ground feed of barley, wheat, green peas, alfalfa, and a mineral supplement for another 10-11 weeks.
During the warm seasons the chickens are free to run outside during the day. At night they sleep on straw or wood shavings in the barn, where they have ample room to move around comfortably.
Our laying hens consist of white and brown chickens, and therefore we have white and brown eggs. Our white chickens are given more alfalfa in their feed which produces a darker yolk. Our brown eggs have the classic yellow yolk.

Our Ducks live in our warm barn until they are ready to go outdoors, where they are Free Range and have lots of room to roam. They eat a similar feed to our chickens, but with a uniquely formulated mineral supplement.

Our lambs eat grass in the summer and hay in the winter with some barely, and green peas to finish. They are guarded by our 2 farm dogs Jayo, and Curly.

Our pigs are either born on the farm, or purchased as feeder pigs from a small local farm. They eat barley, green peas, grass, and hay, with a 1% mineral supplement.
Our pigs live in a large corral outdoors year-round, where they play and hide in bales of hay for warmth in the winter.

Our Turkeys are grown, and raised specially for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Place your order in advance for Market pick-up.